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Keeping a Pet

The new Tenancy Agreement
introduced in August 2012
set a requirement for tenants
to obtain written permission
from the landlord to keep
domestic pets.

Waltham Estate RMO would not unreasonably turn down authorisation to keep a domestic pet, so long as the pet(s) does not cause nuisance to other residents.   

To obtain authorisation to keep a pet the tenant must have suitable insurance to cover any damages caused by or resulting from keeping/owning a pet.

While Waltham Estate RMO may grant permission to keep a pet, the responsibility for the animal remains solely with the owner and Waltham Estate RMO accepts no liability for any pet(s) kept in its properties.

Exotic Pets
Banned Dogs
Authorisation to keep a pet procedure
Application for authorisation to keep a pet

Pets and Dogs Policy Document 2024

Exotic Pets

Waltham Estate RMO will usually not grant permission to keep exotic animals but will consider applications to keep small birds and fish.


In the recent years there have been increasing concerns about the rise in “status dogs”.  Evidence suggests that in the UK “status dogs” used for criminal and anti-social purposes is getting worse. 

An increased number of potentially dangerous dogs are kept illegally, and some animals are mistreated. 

Waltham Estate RMO works closely with the Animal Welfare Officer, London Borough of Lambeth, the Metropolitan Police, RSPCA and Battersea Dogs Home and animal welfare agencies to investigate incidents involving dangerous dogs. 

Waltham Estate RMO will not tolerate antisocial behaviour from dogs including:

  • Using dogs as weapons
  • Using dogs to intimidate others
  • Allowing dogs to attack other dogs
  • Illegal dog fighting
  • Mistreatment of dogs
  • Damage to public property, including trees

Banned dogs

Under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 Section 1 (Amended 1997), it is illegal to own a banned type of dog (unless it is registered in the Index of Exempted Dogs Register).  The four banned types of dogs are:

  • Pit Bull Terrier type (other names include American Pit Bull Terrier, American Pit Bull, American Staffordshire Terriers, Irish Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Irish Blue or Red Nose)
  • Dogo Argentino type (other names include Agertinean Mastiff)
  • Japanese Tosa type (other names include Tosa Inu and Tose Fighting Dog)
  • Fila Brazilero type (other names include Brasilian Mastiff)
  • XL Bully dog


The RSPCA, veterinary organisations and the police agree that microchipping is the most effective way to manage antisocial behaviour connected to dogs and to promote the welfare of dogs.

The government has recently announced that all dogs will need to be microchipped from 6 April 2016. Microchips are coded with owners’ details, and owners can face fines of up to £500.

Waltham Estate RMO is aware that the requirement to microchip dogs could be financial burden for low-income households.  Since October 2009 we have worked with the Council, RSPCA and other animal welfare organisations to arrange free microchipping for Lambeth residents. 

Waltham Estate RMO also sign posts pet owners to the RSPCA Southeast Branch at West Norwood, 380 Norwood Road, SE27 9AA, where free micro chipping can be obtained.

Requirements under the Tenancy Conditions

In August 2012 a clause was introduced in the Tenancy Conditions stipulating that tenant must obtain Waltham Estate RMO permission to keep dogs. 

The agreement confirms that to obtain consent Waltham Estate RMO requires documented evidence that the animal is micro chipped.

 It make it compulsory for all dogs over the age of 8 weeks in England to be fitted with microchips from 6 April 2016. if a dog without a microchip comes to the attention of the authorities, its keeper may be served with a notice requiring the dog to be microchipped and may face criminal prosecution and a £500 fine if they do not comply with the notice.

Before consent is granted the tenant or Leaseholder will also be asked to sign an agreement:
  • To keep the microchip information up to date
  • That the dog has a name tag and contact details when in public places
  • That the dog is on a lead in public places, at all times
  • That the dog does not cause nuisance
  • That the dog does not foul or damage communal areas
  • That the dog is not used for breeding purposes

Except in a very exceptional case permission will not be granted to have more than 2 cats or 1dog.  We will not give permission if we think your home is unsuitable for your pet, or if we think it would cause a nuisance or pose a danger to any other person.

Authorisation to keep a pet Procedure

Request to keep a pet in a Waltham Estate RMO property
Written application to keep a pet

Waltham Estate RMO tenants/resident wishing to keep a pet must submit a written application to the Customer Services Officer (see appendix 1).

Requirements to obtain authorisation to keep a dog

In order to obtain authorisation to keep a dog the applicant must present documentation to prove that the animal has been microchipped.

  • Permission will not be granted to keep dogs banned in the UK under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 Section 1 (Amended 1997), details as follows:
  • Pit Bull Terrier type (other names include American Pit Bull Terrier, American Pit Bull, American Staffordshire Terriers, Irish Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Irish Blue or Red Nose)
  • Dogo Argentino type (other names include Agertinean Mastiff)
  • Japanese Tosa type (other names include Tosa Inu and Tose Fighting Dog)
  • Fila Brazilero type (other names include Brasilian Mastiff)
  • XL Bully dog
Response to applications to keep a dog

Waltham Estate RMO will reply in writing within 10 working days.

If authorisation to keep the dog is granted, the tenant will be asked to sign an agreement to:

  • To keep microchip information up to date
  • That the dog has a name tag and contact details when in public places
  • That the dog is on a lead in public places, at all times
  • That the dog does not cause nuisance
  • That the dog does not foul or damage communal areas
  • That the dog is not used for breeding purposes

If authorisation to keep a dog is not granted and the dog is already living in a Waltham Estate RMO property, the tenant will be asked to confirm in writing the address to which the dog has been removed.

Customer Services Officer will inform the RSPCA and the Police about any applications received to keep a “dangerous dog” as described in the Dangerous Dog Act 1991.

Please download the form to complete application. (Authorisation to keep a pet must be completed and signed for the application to be processed)


Get in touch

If you want to learn more about the Waltham Estate RMO or have a question you would like to ask, we would love to hear from you.

The Old Laundry,
Thornicroft House,
Stockwell Road,
London, SW9 9PT

Phone: 020 7926 9083


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